Artworks: Armonías (Harmonies)
Artist: José Antonio Orts
Location: Joan Fuster avenue/ Cinturón Verde (Green belt)
Date: 2001
The artwork entitled Armonías (Harmonies) is a set of photosensitive sound sculptures that collect the light from the sky of Aldaia and transform it into sound harmonies (musical chords). The ensemble follows the evolution of natural light, the position of the sun, the passing of the clouds, etc. at all times. It also captures the presence and movements of the spectators (through the variations in light intensity and the shadows they cause).
In this way, the evolution of natural light and the spectators’ movements form the sonorous rhythm of the sculptural ensemble. The moment of maximum expressive intensity of the piece occurs at dusk when the power of the sonority increases and becomes deeper.
The spectator can walk freely among the group of sculptures, achieving a reciprocal interaction with the object, as it will emit a succession of sound rhythms marked by people’s movements and the solar cycle from day to night.