Artwork: Valencian Trinquet
Artist: Olga Esteban
Location: Monestir de Poblet street (Municipal Sports Centre)
Date: 2016
Piece of artwork painted on the wall of the Aldaia Municipal Sports Centre which corresponds to the Valencian trinquet court.
It represents the hand of Paco Cabanes Pastor, El Genovés (1954-2021). A tribute to the legendary Valencian pelota player and one of the most important figures in the local sport; a legend, due to the passion he aroused among the fans and the number of trinquetes he inaugurated. El Genovés is considered one of the five figures of the 20th century in the style of play called “escala i corda” and, as such, he is portrayed in the gallery of honour at the Pelayo Trinquet court (Valencia). He has also been awarded the Gold Medal of the Generalitat Valenciana for Sporting Merit, that of the town council of his village. In addition to the October Awards “el Genovés” was also awarded the Valencian Trinquet Federation’s “El Saque” award and the Basque Trinquet “Txapela” award (reserved for the champions of this sport).
Olga Esteban’s work is full of colour, respecting the more figurative anatomical shapes of the hand holding the ball. She makes use of a very expressionist line to give movement to the composition since it is a sport. Valencian trinquet is a traditional Valencian sport, a local variant of other trinquet games. The Valencian version can be played in different places: in the trinquet court, street, fronton style and galotxeta courts. There are several modalities of Valencian trinquet, although they can be divided into two large blocks, direct style and indirect style: escala y corda, galotxa, llargues, raspall, galotxetes and international game (a form that is reserved for world and European championships).